1. 15011.1-A4 Fassaroe drawing register

15011.1-PL01-Overall Cosgrave lands master

15011.1-PL02-Overall Cosgrave lands phasing diagram

15011.1-PL03 Site location map

15011.1-PL04-Overallsite layout plan (sheet1 of 3)

15011.1-PL05-Overallsite layout plan (sheet2 of 3)

15011.1-PL06-Overall site layout plan (sheet3 of 3)

15011.1-PL07-Site layout plan sheet key plan

15011.1-PL08-Proposed site layout sheet 1

15011.1-PL09-Proposed site layout sheet 2

15011.1-PL10-Proposed site layout sheet 3

15011.1-PL11-Proposed site layout sheet 4

15011.1-PL12-Proposed site layout sheet 5

15011.1-PL13-Proposed site layout sheet 6

15011.1-PL14-Proposed site layout sheet 7

15011.1-PL15-Proposed site layout sheet 8

15011.1-PL16-Proposed site layout sheet 9

15011.1-PL17-Proposed site layout sheet 10

15011.1-PL18-Proposed site layout sheet 11

15011.1-PL19-Proposed site layout sheet 12

15011.1-PL20-Proposed site layout sheet 13

15011.1-PL21-Proposed site layout sheet 14

15011.1-PL22-Proposed site layout sheet 15

15011.1-PL23-Proposed site layout sheet 16

15011.1-PL24-Proposed site layout sheet 17

15011.1-PL25-Proposed site layout sheet 18

15011.1-PL50-House type 2A

15011.1-PL51-House type 2B

15011.1-PL52-House type 2B1

15011.1-PL53-House type 2C

15011.1-PL54-House type 2D

15011.1-PL55-House type 2D1

15011.1-PL56-House type 2E

15011.1-PL57-House type 2F

15011.1-PL60-House type 4A

15011.1-PL61-House type 4B

15011.1-PL62-House type 4C

15011.1-PL63-House type 4D

15011.1-PL64-House type 4E

15011.1-PL70-House type 5C

15011.1-PL71-House type 5D

15011.1-PL72-House type 5E

15011.1-PL73-House type 5E1

15011.1-PL100-Block-1 & 2 basement

15011.1-PL101-Block-1 & 2 ground floor plan

15011.1-PL102-Block-1 & 2 1st to 5th floor

15011.1-PL103-Block-1 & 2 6th floor

15011.1-PL104-Block-1 & 2 roof plan

15011.1-PL105-Block-1 & 2 South and north elevations

15011.1-PL106-Block-1 East and West elevation

15011.1-PL107-Block-2 East and West elevation

15011.1-PL108-Block1 & 2 Sections AA, BB and CC

15011.1-PL109-Block1 & 2 resident’s gym and concierge, plans sections and elevations

15011.1-PL120-Block 3 lower ground floor – basement plan

15011.1-PL121-Block 3 upper ground floor plan and 1st to 4th floor plan

15011.1-PL122-Block 3 fifth floor plan and roof plan

15011.1-PL123-Block 3 elevations A, B and C

15011.1-PL124-Block 3 sections AA and BB and elevations D

15011.1-PL130-Block 4 ground floor plan

15011.1-PL131-Block 4 1st to 3rd floor plan, roof plan and bin store

15011.1-PL132-Block 4 Elevations

15011.1-PL133-Block 4 Sections

15011.1-PL150-Neighbourhood centre Ground floor plan

15011.1-PL151-Neighbourhood centre first to fouth floor plan

15011.1-PL152-Neighbourhood centre fifth floor and roof plan

15011.1-PL153-Neighbourhood centre south west, east and west elevations

15011.1-PL154-Neighbourhood centre internal elevations

15011.1-PL155-Neighbourhood centre sections AA, BB and CC

15011.1-PL160- Creche ground floor plan

15011.1-PL161- Creche First floor plan, roof plan and section AA

15011.1-PL162- Creche elevations

15011.1-PL163-Kiosk plans, section and elevation

15011.1-PL164-Demilition plan

15011.1-PL170-Taking in charge (sheet 1 of 2)

15011.1-PL171-Taking in charge (sheet 2 of 2)

15011.1-PL172-Context elevations 1 of 2

15011.1-PL173-Context elevations 2 of 2

15011.1-PL174-Housing cell backyards level articulation

15011.1-PL175-Part V schedule – Block 3 lower and upper floor plan

15011.1-PL176-Part V schedule – Block 3, 1st to 5th floor plan